CulturalxCollabs: Fragment No. 37 highlighted © Museum für Islamische Kunst, Heiner BüldCulturalxCollabs: Fragment No. 37 highlighted © Museum für Islamische Kunst, Heiner Büld

Cultural x Collabs: Weaving the Future

Fragment No. 37

100 Fragment Journeys

This fragment is part of the "CulturalxCollabs - Weaving the Future" carpet.

Through the fragment we trace the journey of the fragment owners and their collabs as they explore, experiment and creatively advance socially relevant themes. Here is the fragment as we are sending it on this three and a half-year journey.

Follow this story to observe the transformations the fragment undergoes over the course of these years...

The journey begins...

...with Anton Valentin Humpe

1001 Fragmente

moderne sufi mystik - 22 gedichte

a fragment often contains more poetry, 

more romanticism, more wisdom, more life, 

more truth, than in the seemingly finished. 

the finished is past, 

the emerging is presence. 

the past seems perfect, 

the future seems open -

but both is misleading: 

open and perfect can only be presence. 

past and future 

are memories and dreams. 

being is now and all is one. 

only the unfinished is the beauty. 

only that which is in the process is interesting. 

where are the last pieces of the mosaic? 

somewhere in the hearts for all time. 

it is only about the path, never about the destination. 

fragments contain freedom for thoughts and feelings. 

what you seem to be missing within the work 

is the most important thing you have, 

because the fragment you are looking for, you already carry. 

the stars shine like bright flowers 

on the darkest meadow. 

red and white and golden lines 

decorate the carpet as well as blossoming lilies. 

the way is shown by carpets fragmentarily, 

but clearly into freedom through the night. 

tenderly a blue veil lays 

through the flower into the now upon the moment. 

so many blossoms, but only one moment, 

they blur with all my wishes 

into a single fulfillment. 

isn't every person a prophet? 

in every single fragment there is more wholeness, 

than the whole could ever contain. 

why despair? 

the path is the goal? 

the fragment is the work. 

are you looking for truth in the tea bag? 

you should drink it. 

1001 fragments. 

don't ask me for poetry. 

just feel. 

you find poetry comforting and beautiful? good. 

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CulturalxCollabs: Fragment No. 37 © Museum für Islamische Kunst, Heiner Büld

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About the project...

The Museum for Islamic Art's project, #CulturalxCollabs - Weaving the future, celebrates the transformative power of cultural exchange and the shared threads that unite us all. All the things we love, have loved and will ever love come from cultural exchange, migration and diversity, or as we like to call it #CulturalxCollabs.

100 carpet fragments, cut from a replica of the iconic dragon carpet, will travel the world (delivered by DHL). The fragments will ignite #CulturalxCollabs with co-creators, inspiring human ingenuity, fostering community and ultimately demonstrating how cultural exchange enriches all our lives.

Follow #CulturalxCollabs on Instagram as the project unfolds...

...or learn more here

Weaving the Future

Join us on a journey with 100 carpet fragments as they travel around the world for three and a half years, finding temporary homes while bridging cultural boundaries, fostering worldwide community united by the power of human stories.

Fragment Journeys

100 carpet fragments part of the "CulturalxCollabs - Weaving the Future" project. Follow their journeys through the ever changing owners' over three and a half years.

Where is the Dragon?

The star of the "CulturalxCollabs - Weaving the Future" project is a so-called Caucasian dragon carpet from the 17th century. A dragon carpet - all well and good - but: where is the dragon?