Equal Rights
What role(s) do you have?
People have different roles. Depending on the context, however, these roles can change. sometimes quickly and frequently. But where do these roles come from? How did they come into being? And are they valid forever?
Equal Rights
What role(s) do you have?
People have different roles. Depending on the context, however, these roles can change. sometimes quickly and frequently. But where do these roles come from? How did they come into being? And are they valid forever?
Equal Rights
What role(s) do you have?
People have different roles. Depending on the context, however, these roles can change. sometimes quickly and frequently. But where do these roles come from? How did they come into being? And are they valid forever?
Muslim Youth Work

What role(s) do you have?

hours 1,5
grade 10 onwards
2 classroom materials

The understanding of gender roles is shaped by social and personal expectations. They are determined by many factors and structure social coexistence. This is about the question of how roles are defined today and about ideas of roles in history.


  • to differentiate the term gender
  • to identify social standards
  • to question social standards in history and present
  • problematization of bullying
  • getting to know one’s own scope

Augmented Reality App

In the TAMAM project, mosque communities have been working with the Museum for Islamic Art since 2015 to develop new ways of teaching culture. Following the publication of teaching materials, a free app was released that uses augmented reality to present background information on selected objects in the collection.

Download TAMAM in the Apple APP Store for free

Classroom materials for download



More teaching modules

Subject: Extracurricular Activities, Politics, History, Ethics/Religion
Grade: 10 onwards

Intersectionality – then and now

Subject: Extracurricular Activities, Politics, Ethics/Religion
Grade: 10 onwards

"male" or "female" - What's the difference?!

Subject: Extracurricular Activities, Art, History, Geography, Ethics/Religion
Grade: 10 onwards

Olifants - ivory horns from the Mediterranean

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Contact & cooperation projects

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