

Where do the museum objects come from, how does a restoration work and what are the employees’ actual favourite objects? We answer these questions with plenty of background information in our stories. Dive into the historic world of the Museum for Islamic Art and discover connections to other collections.

CxC Anniversary Quiz

SERIES: Cultural X Collabs

CxC Anniversary Quiz

Series: Objects tell Stories

Europeans in a Persian Blue and White Pottery

Series: Museum Backstage

Dismantling the Carpet Exhibition

Series: History of the collection

From Samarra to Berlin

Series: History of the collection

Berlin Carpet Collection

Series: Objects tell stories

750 Years of Rumi

The 'CulturalxCollabs' carpet being cut at the launch event.© Museum für Islamische Kunst / Don Panakkal

SERIES: Cultural x Collabs

Fragment Journeys

Series: Museum Backstage

Our favorite objects

SERIES: Cultural X Collabs

Weaving the Future

SERIES: Cultural x Collabs

The Doppelgänger: Factsheet

Story "Where is the Dragon"

SERIES: Objects tell Stories

Where is the Dragon?

Aleppo, Photos © Jürgen Rese (CC-BY-NC-SA)

SERIES: Memories from Aleppo

A Tale of Khan al-Wazir



Islamic art comes to the classroom and the mosque! The teaching modules oriented towards the teaching plan offer creative lessons with large practical sections that bring art and culture to life in the school day. We also offer teaching modules that have been developed by and with mosques and are suitable for Islamic youth work.

Subject: Extracurricular Activities, Art
Grade: 10 onwards

Restoration as challenge

Subject: Extracurricular Activities, Art, Ethics/Religion
Grade: 10 onwards

Research at a Museum yourself

Subject: Extracurricular Activities, Art, Ethics/Religion
Grade: 10 onwards

Communicate for a Museum yourself

Subject: Extracurricular Activities, Art, Ethics/Religion
Grade: 10 onwards

Curate an exhibition yourself

Subject: Extracurricular Activities, Politics, History, Ethics/Religion, German and Foreign Languages
Grade: 10 onwards

Genderroles in Historiography

Subject: Extracurricular Activities, Politics, Music, Ethics/Religion
Grade: 10 onwards

Music - What does it do to you?

Subject: Extracurricular Activities, Politics, Art, History, Ethics/Religion
Grade: 10 onwards

Genderroles- Which do you have?

Subject: Extracurricular Activities, Art, Ethics/Religion
Grade: 10 onwards

Clothes - What do they say about us?

Subject: Extracurricular Activities, Politics, History, Ethics/Religion
Grade: 10 onwards

Intersectionality – then and now

Subject: Extracurricular Activities, Art
Grade: 10 onwards

Calligraffiti- Connection of old and new

Subject: Extracurricular Activities, Ethics/Religion
Grade: 10 onwards

Khamsa - amulet as talisman?

Subject: Extracurricular Activities, Politics, Ethics/Religion
Grade: 10 onwards

"male" or "female" - What's the difference?!



Virtual rooms invite you to discover the collection of the Museum for Islamic Art in an entirely new way. Here you’ll find exclusive text contributions, videos, musical compositions and objects that are sensory experiences for the eyes and ears.

Gurbet Şarkıları – Songs from Foreign Lands

Music and Belonging between Turkey and Germany (1961-2021)

Gurbet Şarkıları – Lieder aus der Fremde

Museum in Action

A look at the transformation of a permanent exhibition


Garden Paradise

Experience the magic of our living garden world


Music in the Museum

A visual journey into the sound world of the museum



Discover the histories behind the collection and the projects of the Museum for Islamic Art through its films, interviews, audio and publications.

CulturalxCollabs - Weaving the Future Copyright : Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Museum für Islamische Kunst
CulturalxCollabs - Weaving the Future
Sini calligraphy
Colours from fire – technology and history of ceramic mosaics
Islam - a view from within
The sound of reviving - Razan Nassreddine
An exceptional visit - Yasser Almaamoun
Zwischen Hier und Dort | Multaka, Museum für Islamische Kunst
Between Here and There - Kefah Ali Deeb
Polyphonic - Kenan Melhem
People of the Archive - Jean-Claude David
Anke Scharrahs about the Aleppo Room
Memories of al-Zawiya al-Hilaliya
Memories of Bab al-Faraj Clock Tower